Revisiting: January 12th, 2020
Perhaps I will gather my grandchildren
and tell them of the day when Pluto met Saturn,
of the battles I saw fought and won.War tales are much more appealing than, say,
revealing the way I had dabbled in betrayal
before clearing the cliff of karma’s cruelest winds.
To say I deserve it would be a grave understatement,
and I know how much Saturn would agree.
He reserves a spot at the table for me
and the food is delicious, I don’t want to be free.We’re quarantined now, to the fourth house on the left
but there are worse places, I guess.
The rings of bondage don’t feel as tight as they used to
but my complaints will go unnoticed,
much like the way I slip into rooms these days.
Pluto was proud of me, or at least that’s what he said.
I’ll never know the truth from what’s repeated inside my head.
But I’ll slip in and then out again, quiet the way he likes it,
and I’ll swear never to betray myself or another again.